S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Genetic Analysis of Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight Resistance (Rhizoctonia Solani) In Maize
Tajwar Izhar* and M. Chakraborty
Pages: 01-05 | 3593 Views 510 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Preliminary Phytochemical Studies and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Property of the Methanol Extract of the Roobark of Ritchiea Longipedicellata Gilg Family Capparidacaea
Chinedu Fred Anowi, AU Utoh-Nedosa, AF Onyegbule, Chinasa Charity Eze
Pages: 06-13 | 3180 Views 546 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Nigeria |
3 |
Morphoanatomy Studies of the Pericarp of Lagonychium farctum (Banks and Sol.) Bobr. Growing in Egypt
shraf N. E. Hamed*, Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Samia M. El-Sayyad and Mohamed S. Kamel
Pages: 14-18 | 2998 Views 390 Downloads | Country: Egypt
Egypt |
4 |
Molecular Target-Oriented Phytochemical Database and Its Application to the Network Analysis of Action Mechanisms of Herbal Medicines
Hitoshi Kojo, Yukihiro Eguchi, Toshikazu Miyagishima, Kimiko Makino and Hiroshi Terada
Pages: 19-26 | 2969 Views 403 Downloads | Country: Japan
Japan |
5 |
Antioxidant Activity of Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban: Impact of Extraction Solvent Polarity
Mijanur Rahman , Shahdat Hossain *, Asiqur Rahaman , Nusrat Fatima , Taslima Nahar, Borhan Uddin and Mafroz Ahmed Basunia
Pages: 27-32 | 6550 Views 1810 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh
Bangladesh |
6 |
Screening of Analgesic and Immunomodulator activity of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Leaves (Jackfruit) in Mice
Om Prakash, Jyoti, Amit Kumar, Pawan Kumar
Pages: 33-36 | 3500 Views 795 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Morphoanatomy Studies of the Seed of Lagonychium farctum (Banks and Sol.) Bobr. Growing in Egypt
Ashraf N. E. Hamed*, Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Samia M. El-Sayyad and Mohamed S. Kamel
Pages: 37-41 | 2846 Views 399 Downloads | Country: Egypt
Egypt |
8 |
Phytosteroids from tissue culture of Allium cepa L. and Trachyspermum ammi S prague.
Dr. Pratibha Chaturvedi 1*, Dr Pushpa Khanna 2 and Dr. Abhay Chowdhary 1
Pages: 42-48 | 3192 Views 573 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Two Triterpene Acids from the Leaves of Perilla Frutescens
Venkata Sai Prakash Chaturvedula* and Indra Prakash
Pages: 49-53 | 3877 Views 518 Downloads | Country: USA.
USA. |
10 |
Platelet-Aggregation Inhibitory Activity of Oleanolic Acid, Ursolic Acid, Betulinic Acid, and Maslinic Acid
Ibrahim T. Babalola, Francis O. Shode*, E. A Adelakun, Andy R.Opoku, Rebamang A. Mosa
Pages: 54-60 | 3361 Views 511 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Nigeria |