S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Phytochemical investigation and spectral studies of isolated flavonoid from ethanolic extract of whole plant Blumea lacera D.C.
Pratibha Mishra, Raghuveer Irchhiaya, Sunil Kumar Mishra
Pages: 01-04 | 3351 Views 627 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Scopoletin and β-sitosterol glucoside from roots of Ipomoea digitata
N.M. Mofiz Uddin Khan, Md. Sagar Hossain
Pages: 05-07 | 4108 Views 992 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh
Bangladesh |
3 |
Antifungal activity of the extract of Andrographis paniculata and Andrographolide
Eugene Sebastian J Nidiry, Girija Ganeshan, A.N. Lokesha
Pages: 08-10 | 3774 Views 924 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Comparative phytochemical analysis of aerial parts of A. procumbeans, F. dichotoma, S. sponteneum, S. nigra and T. angustifolia
Hemali Padalia, Sumitra Chanda
Pages: 11-16 | 3776 Views 1089 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Thrombolytic and membrane stabilizing activities of ethanolic extract of local medicinal plant Murraya paniculata. (Family:Rutaceae)
Farhina Rahman Laboni, Faria Afsari, Md. Sariful Islam Howlader, Zubair Khalid Labu, Azima Sultana Julie
Pages: 17-20 | 3945 Views 417 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh
Bangladesh |
6 |
Triterpenes and sterols of family Apocynaceae (2013-1955), A review
Dina F. El-Kashef, Ashraf N.E. Hamed, Hany E. Khalil, Mohamed S. Kamel
Pages: 21-39 | 3160 Views 721 Downloads | Country: Egypt
Egypt |
7 |
Quantitative analysis of selected primary metabolites in aqueous hot extract of Eugenia uniflora (L.) leaves
Geedhu Daniel, S. Krishnakumari
Pages: 40-43 | 3113 Views 495 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Cytotoxic and Free radical scavenging activity of relatively polar fractions of Couroupita guianensis Aublet stem bark
Priyanka Sarkar, Murshida Begum, Koly Aktar, Fatema-Tuz-Zohora, Abdul Jabbar, Choudhury Mahmood Hasan
Pages: 44-49 | 2865 Views 417 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh
Bangladesh |
9 |
Comparative study of anti-arthritic activity of methanolic extract of Breynia retusa and Aglaonema hookerianum leaves
Mohammad Nazmul Alam, Md. Shahrear Biozid, Md. Ferdous Alam, Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Hasibur Rahman, Md. Osama Bin Zakariya
Pages: 50-52 | 3044 Views 525 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh
Bangladesh |
10 |
Qualitative phytochemical Screeing of Rhizomes on Alpinia Calcarata and Alpinia Speciosa
Mohanasundari L, S. Suja
Pages: 53-56 | 3202 Views 631 Downloads | Country: India
India |