Field experiment was conducted at Research Farm, Division of Agronomy during
kharif season 2016 to find out the optimum dose of phosphorus and potassium for the productivity enhancement of fine rice in irrigated sub-tropics of Jammu. The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with three replications. 30 day old seedlings of cultivar
SJR-129 were planted at a spacing of 20 cm X 10 cm. The treatments consisted of four phosphorus levels (control, 20, 40 and 60 kg P
5 ha
-1), and four potassium levels (control, 10, 20 and 30 kg K
2O ha
-1). Rice crop was fertilized with 60 kg N ha
-1. The experimental results revealed that among the levels of phosphorous, 60kg P
5 ha
-1 recorded significantly highest plant height, number of tillers m-
2, dry matter accumulation, yield attributes and grain yield (4.31 t ha
-1) which was statistically at par with 40 and 20kg P
5 ha
-1. Amongst the potassium levels, application of 30 kg K
2O ha
-1 though being at par with 20 and 10 kg K
2O ha
-1 recorded significantly highest plant height, number of tillers m-
2, dry matter accumulation, yield attributes and grain yield (4.33 t ha
-1). Economically optimum level can be realized with 28 kg P
5 ha
-1 and 18 kg K
2O ha
-1 for yield optimization of fine rice.
Santosh Ola, Neetu Sharma, BC Sharma, Anil Kumar, Gurdev Chand and R Puniya. Optimization of phosphorus and potassium levels for productivity enhancement of fine rice in irrigated sub tropics of Jammu. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):1329-1332.