Pawan Kumar Sagar, S Kashyap, R Kurele and MW Ahmed
Introduction: QA, Shelf life, Stability Studies of ASU. herbal products remains a challenging task. The Coarse powder of SA and WF are specially designed for oral consumption and contains herbal ingredients known for their specific medicinal benefits. Storage conditions can significantly affect the shelf life of ASU. herbal Coarse powders, therefore, it is essential to assess the stability of these Coarse powders. According to ICH / WHO guidelines, which is used to treat various human ailments. This study aims to evaluate the QA, SL, SS investigated, analyzed parameters of coarse powders of flowers buds and flowers parts of the plant drugs SA and WF.
Methods: The QA, SL, SS investigated studies with the accelerated stability studies at 40 °C and a relative humidity (RH) of 75% ±5 over a period of 6 months, with assessments conducted at the 0, 2nd, 4th, and 6th months. Various parameters, including Organoleptic characteristics, Pharmacognosy, HPTLC. identification, physico-chemical properties, Toxicological studies having investigated HM, AT, PR and MB load, were monitored during these intervals of SA and WF were carried out and performed using standard methods. The accelerated testing conditions are at least 10 °C Temp. higher than the long–term study conditions and are intended to increase the rate at which degradation reactions take place thus revealing quality changes at an early stage globally climatic zones are divided into max. 6 months intervals time period for shelf life, stability studies and the storage conditions.
Results: The results of these studies were taken into consideration when estimating the QA, SL, SS of SA and WF Course powder drugs. The extended shelf life estimate was determined by applying an accelerated deterioration rate of 10% for physico-chemical parameters.
Conclusions: The QA, SL, SS findings were revealed that the test drugs batches were stability is confirmed, no max. significance changes occurred in tested samples and shown stable potent of undeteriorate condition. As a result, it was established that the SA and WF course powder have an estimated shelf life Max. 1 years and eight months and 2 Year. The Studies revealed data’s can be provide referential supports and essential in the future for QA, Product Acceptability, Pharmaco-vigilance aspects.
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