Renjini AS, Celestin Baboo RV and Sirajudheen MK
This paper describes the Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical screening of selected plants are Adenocalymma alliaceum and Turbinaria ornata. Is a plant belonging to the family Bignoniaceae commonly called as ‘Garlic vine’ and or ‘false garlic’. Turbinaria ornata (T. ornata) is one of the main seaweeds in the marine ecosystem that has been used as a source of medicine among brown seaweeds. These brown algae belong to the family Sargassaceae. This review paper discusses in detail study of Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical screening. In Pharmacognostical study discusses the microscopy and macroscopy of selected plants. Here the macroscopical study describe the characters like colour, odour, taste, size, shape, extra features of the leaves. The microscopical study describe the fresh leaves were subjected to various anatomical studies. The sections of leaf specimen were taken using sharp blade and stained with various staining reagents like phloroglucinol-HCL, iodine, safranin and observed under microscope. Phytochemical screening of Adenocalymma alliaceum shows the presence of alkaloid, flavonoid and tannin. Phytochemical screening of Turbinaria ornata shows the presence of alkaloid, phenol, flavonoid and tannin.
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