Dr. Shalu Sam, Dr. Priya S and Dr. Raiby P Paul
The success of the treatment depends on the quality of each and every drug in a formulation. In Ayurvedic classics Acharyas have given prime importance to the drugs that are used for the preparation of medicines. In Sarangadhara Samhita, Rajanighantu Nighantu & Bhaishajyaratnavali it is mentioned that some drugs should be used in fresh form for preparing various Kalpanas [1-3]. Shatapushpa is one among them and is used in more than 30 classical as well as patent formulations. These preparations contain dry form of Anethum sowa KURZ. fruits instead of fresh. Thus, a study has been designed in order to compare the efficacy of Anethum sowa KURZ. fruits and to focus whether the drying has any influence in the phytoconstituents of fresh and dry forms. Commercially Shatapushpa fruits are dried under sunlight and hot air oven, in the present study we adopt three methods of drying. ie, drying under shade, sunlight and hot air oven.
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