Dr. Dipali Bhimdayal Sharnagat and Dr. Umesh N Patil
The basic doctrines of Ayurveda - the Dosha-Dhatu-Mala Siddhanta are important. Dhatu is the structural units of body which provides strength and nourishment. Dhatvagni represents the process of tissue metabolism, assimilation and synthesizing Dhatu of living body i.e. Rasadhatvagni in the Rasa Dhatu, Raktadhatvagni in the Rakta Dhatu respectively. The upadanarasa absorbed from the adhoamashaya is directly concerned to tridosha’s and these seven dhatus through prasada paka and kitta paka. Prasada paka contributes to the formation of upadhatus like stanya, rajah, kandras respectively. Dhatu is either depleted or overproduced depending on whether the Dhatvagni rises or diminishes. Interaction of dosha-dhatu (samurchhana) is the basis of pathogenesis. Any derangement of dosha, if not corrected properly, progresses deeper into the dhatus which manifests into progressive pathogenesis. Certain lifestyle disorders are resultant of hypo functioning of dhatvagni like Prameha, Sthoulya, Dyslipidemia, Amavata etc. Therefore, dhatvagni plays dominant role in manifestation of life style disorders. Aim is to understand the pathophysiology of dhatvagni in manifestations of above lifestyle disorders along with therapeutic use of single drugs in maintaining the harmony of agni. Studies on Chitraka, Musta, Haritaki, Shunthi, Agnimantha have shown marked effective results in Dhatvagnimandya. Many studies related to the role of dhatvagni in life style disorders are searched and gathered from the online databases like PubMed, JAIMS, JETIR, WJPMR, Web of Science or other academic works and will be analysed critically and will be presented in this paper.
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