Dr. Harshada Deepak Kolhe and Dr. Uday Keshavrao Neralkar
Amavata is a disease in which vitiation of Vata Dosha and accumulation of Ama takes place in joints When Ama and Vata gets vitiated simultaneously and gets deposited in the Koshtha (gut), Trik (sacral region) and Sandhi (Joints) where it produced Shotha (edema), Shoola (pain) and Stabdhata (stiffness). Due to impaired Jatharagni the Aahar rasa formed is Apakva, this Apakva Aahar rasa thus formed is in Amavata stage which causes Sarvadoshaprakopa. Shaman (conservative treatment) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) are advised in Ayurveda whereas anti-inflammatory, analgesics, steroids and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs are required for this management as per modern medicine, which have some side effects. Accourding to Ayurveda Pathyapathya is also very important for Amavata treatment... Virechana is the purification process of Ayurveda. When doshas are expelled out from the body through anal route then it is called as Virechana. Ama which is formed as a result of Mandagni being macromolecular in nature gets accumulated in the sukshma strotas and there this Ama causes Strotavarodha (channel obstruction). Thus Virechana karma is one of the important bio-purificative procedure which is indicated for complete elimination of Dosha and thus results in eradication of disease.
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