S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Phytochemical diversity and biological activity of Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze: A comprehensive review
Abhijeet A Pakhare, Ajay V Rajurkar and Vishal P Deshmukh
Pages: 262-265 | 296 Views 118 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Ayurvedic approach to dengue fever (Vishamjwar / Dandak Jwara)
Yogeshwar Parmanand Kapgate, Dr. Rajiv J Mundane and Dr. Sanjay A Pawade
Pages: 266-270 | 355 Views 204 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Pathophysiology of Dhatvagni in manifestations of lifestyle disorders
Dr. Dipali Bhimdayal Sharnagat and Dr. Umesh N Patil
Pages: 271-274 | 226 Views 80 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Anatomical Study of Chenopodium ambrosioides L: Aromatic and medicinal plant wild-growing in Tunisia
Wissal Saadellaoui, Abir Haddada, Fathia Harzallah-Skhiri and Sondes Stambouli-Essassi
Pages: 275-281 | 242 Views 97 Downloads | Country: Tunisia
Tunisia |
5 |
A review article on Shitapitta (Laghutrayis)
VD Sonali Kush Badge and Dr. Ramesh Dnyanoba Sonawane
Pages: 282-284 | 255 Views 103 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Udvartan with Triphala Churna in management of Sthaulya: A case study
Dr. Awachar Uttam Omkarrav and Dr. Ramesh Dnyanoba Sonawane
Pages: 285-287 | 244 Views 134 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Preparation and evaluation of herbal antimicrobial soap
Rajesh D Mokate, Jayashree S Kokat, Puja B Aher, Amruta Kakade, Shraddha Patil and Dnyaneshwari Darade
Pages: 288-293 | 410 Views 237 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of the population of Mbandaka (Equateur) regarding the fight against the Ebola virus disease, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bellotty N Mundadi, Chadrack B Madibi, Polydor K Mulumba, Serge A Inia, Carine Tungu, Grace L N’sungu, Stella Alphonse K Ngoy, Réné D Kasende, Pierre Celestin M Bongo, Jean Jacques D Amogu and Odette N Kabena
Pages: 294-297 | 149 Views 56 Downloads | Country: Democratic Republic Of The Congo
Democratic Republic Of The Congo |
9 |
A review on Ixora coccinea: Uses, properties and pharmacological studies
Fasna Fasal K, Jimsha EV, Hafla Kunnool and Krupa S
Pages: 298-301 | 1154 Views 615 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Conceptual literary study of Meda Dhatu Kshaya in Pandu Vyadhi with special reference hypolipidemia in iron deficiency anemia
Dr. Deepali Amle and Dr. Rutuja Gonge
Pages: 327-331 | 158 Views 56 Downloads | Country: India
India |