Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
The economics of soybean in Hingoli district of Maharashtra
Perke DS, SR Nagargoje and PS Singarwad
Present study was related to cost, returns and profitability of soybean in Hingoli district of Maharashtra. Multistage sampling procedure was used. Twelve villages from Hingoli and Sengaon tehsil were selected. The information pertaining to the objective was collected from 120 samples of soybean from selected villages. The data was collected by personal interview by using pre tested interview schedule. Data pertaining to agricultural year 2014-15. Data were analysed with the help of statistical tools like mean, percentage, frequency and functional analysis method. Study revealed that majority of respondents was in 30 to 45 years age group, 52.50 per cent and 72.50 per cent respondents were attended high school. Average size of family was 5.00. Majority of respondents had agriculture as a main occupation i.e. 67.50 per cent and land holding up to 2 ha. Average livestock position with the selected farmers was 2.00. Average area under soybean was 1.70 ha in Kharif season. The gross cropped area was 3.89 ha and cropping intensity was 145.69 per cent. Per hectare total cost with regards to soybean was Rs. 35262.14 while cost-A was Rs. 23036.28 and cost-B was Rs. 31672.14. Per cent share of cost-A was 65.32 per cent while cost-B was 89.81 per cent. The output-input ratio was 1.46 indicating that soybean is highly profitable enterprise.
Pages: 1264-1266 | 1994 Views 730 Downloads
Perke DS, SR Nagargoje and PS Singarwad. The economics of soybean in Hingoli district of Maharashtra. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1264-1266.