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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 5 (2018)

Studies on ethno-veterinary usages of medicinal plants by people in Garhwal Himalayan region-A boon to animal husbandry


Arun Bhatt and Kumar Pavan Agarwal

The Uttarakhand Himalyan region has a great wealth of medicinal plants and traditional medicinal knowledge. Garhwal Himalaya (29<sup>0</sup>45<sup>’</sup>N-31<sup>0</sup>27<sup>’</sup>N latitude and 77<sup>0</sup>45<sup>’</sup>E-80<sup>0</sup>7<sup>’</sup> E longitudes) has been known as source of variety of shrubs, healing herbs, and other medicinal plants. Geographically, Garhwal region of Uttarakhand represent enormous diversity of flora and fauna due to variations in topography, altitude and climate. It includes seven districts-Dehradun, Haridwar, Pauri, Chamoli, Tehri, Uttarakashi and Rudraprayag representing mountains, lower hills, Tarai-Bhabar belt and plain area. There have been only few studies on the ethano-botanical usages of the plants for the treatment of livestock which may boost the new drug research by employing modern biotechnological tools and techniques.. Current study was conducted with the sole purpose of eliciting the precious wealth of information on the ethno-veterinary uses of medicinal plants practices by the local people of Garhwal region. Field surveys were conducted in the various thickly populated live-stock rich places of Garhwal region during 2012-18. Information on ethanobotanical uses of the medicinal plants was gathered by interviewing key informants of the community using a semi structured open ended questionnaire. Usually, the elderly and experienced members of the society, locally known as ‘Vaidya”’, were interviewed on uses of various parts of plants. Often, they were accompanied to the field for the identification of plant species used and their preferred habitats. All the relevant information, in particular the mode of preparation, method of use and dosage of each medicinal plant species were recorded. In nutshell present study deals with the traditional uses of 46 plant species which are being often used in ethno-veterinary practices by people of Garhwal Himalyan region. The primary and outmost objective of current study is to document all collected information in tabulated form, by the local people for the treatment of various livestock including poultry in different parts of Garhwal, Himalayan region of Uttarakhand state. Further research in this area is need of hour as these documented findings may help to counter the needs of inhabitants during emergent situations.

Pages: 149-153  |  1653 Views  429 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Arun Bhatt and Kumar Pavan Agarwal. Studies on ethno-veterinary usages of medicinal plants by people in Garhwal Himalayan region-A boon to animal husbandry. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(5S):149-153.

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