S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Effect of packaging materials on physiological parameters of guava (<em>Psidium guajava </em>L.) cv. Hisar Safeda during storage after transportation
Avesh, Surender Singh, MK Rana and Sheena Nain
Pages: 40-44 | 2048 Views 517 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Consumption pattern of fermented probiotic dairy Products in metropolitan Delhi
Jagruti Das, Raju R, Smita Sirohi, BS Chandel, PN Raju, BS Meena
Pages: 45-49 | 2142 Views 635 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Effect of different packaging material under different temperature conditions on physical properties and shelf life of rose (<em>Rosa indica</em>) and <em>plumeria </em>(<em>Plumeria alba</em>)
Ankush Kumar, Navdeep Gandhi and Diksha Tinna
Pages: 50-54 | 1959 Views 576 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Effect of different types of packaging material on quality and shelf life of tomato
Sunita Rani, Diksha Tinna, Karmpal Singh, Navdeep Gandhi
Pages: 55-57 | 2130 Views 700 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Genetic analysis of Fusarium stalk rot resistance in maize (<em>Zea mays </em>L.)
Archana R, HC Lohithaswa, MS Uma, KV Shivakumar, VB Sanathkumar and R Pavan
Pages: 58-61 | 2079 Views 519 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Relative growth rate of wheat seedlings as effected by PEG-stimulated drought and various concentrations of plant growth regulators
Aparjot Kaur and SK Thind
Pages: 62-65 | 1770 Views 383 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Genetic analysis of quantitative and quality traits in bacterial wilt resistant genotypes of bell pepper under sub-temperate conditions of north-western Himalayas
Minakshi Thakur, Sonia Sood and Nivedita Gupta
Pages: 66-73 | 1918 Views 539 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Induction of morphological mutations in okra (<em>Abelmoschus esculentus </em>L.) through gamma rays and EMS
Nivedita Gupta and Sonia Sood
Pages: 74-76 | 2369 Views 796 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Standardization the protocol for high genomic DNA yield and quality for guava cultivars
Rani S, Sharma JR and Sehrawat SK
Pages: 77-79 | 2060 Views 661 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Response of tomato hybrids to different growing media and fertigation on quality characters of tomato (<em>Solanum lycopersicum</em> Mill) under naturally ventilated Polyhouse
Shilpa Kaushal, Vinod Sharma and Vijay Singh
Pages: 80-82 | 1626 Views 292 Downloads | Country: India
India |