S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Response of spring mungbean (<em>Vigna radiata</em> L.) to nutrient management in Western U.P.
KG Yadav, Mukesh Kumar, PK Singh, Siddhartha Kumar, RB Yadav, Ashok Kumar and Sandeep Kumar
Pages: 1007-1009 | 1416 Views 379 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Synergistic effects of some medicinal plants and transition metal ferrocyanides on some selected fungus
Dipti Bharti
Pages: 1010-1014 | 1461 Views 387 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Molecular characterization of wheat genotypes using eSSR Markers
Aastha, Vaishali, Khyati Lehari, Vishakha Burman, Chetan Chauhan, Rajendra Singh and Akash Singh
Pages: 1015-1020 | 1402 Views 337 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
1-MCP and Methyl jasmonateas an alternative to 6-BAP for enhance postharvest shelf life of commercial vegetables in ecofriendly and economical manner
Meenakshi Kumari, Manoj Kumar, SS Solankey, Deepak Baboo and Mayank Shekhar Singh
Pages: 1021-1025 | 1609 Views 502 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Morphological, physiological and biochemical analysis of wheat genotypes under drought stress
Khyati Lehari, Mukesh Kumar, Vishakha Burman, Aastha, Vaishali, Vipin Kumar, Pooran Chand and Rajendra Singh
Pages: 1026-1030 | 2535 Views 1053 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Identification of promising hybrids through exploitation of heterosis in chickpea (<em>Cicer arietinum </em>L.)
Majahir Rana, Mukesh Kumar, Pooran Chand, SK Singh and Mukesh Kumar
Pages: 1031-1035 | 1433 Views 416 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Assessment of site specific nutrient management in hybrid maize (Kanchan)
Manoj Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar and Dr. Prasant Verma
Pages: 1036-1038 | 1420 Views 368 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Increase pulse production through cluster frontline demonstrations
Satya Prakash, Mahavir Singh and Atar Singh
Pages: 1039-1041 | 1181 Views 221 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Combining ability analysis for grain yield and its contributing traits in chickpea (<em>Cicer arietinum</em> L.)
Mukesh Kumar, Majahir Rana, Vipin Kumar, Arvind Kumar and PK Singh
Pages: 1042-1047 | 1363 Views 305 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Effect of sources and methods of zinc application on growth and yield of Basmati rice (<em>Oryza sativa </em>L.)
Rahul Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Ritesh Sharma, PK Singh, KG Yadav, Ashok Kumar and Satendra Kumar
Pages: 1048-1051 | 1455 Views 339 Downloads | Country: India
India |