S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Herbicidal effect of Propaquizafop, imazethapyr and pendimethalin on seed quality parameters of black gram (<em>Vigna mungo </em>L.)
Preeti Mishra, RK Samaiya and Vivek Khandait
Pages: 117-119 | 2539 Views 1095 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Stale seed bed techniques as successful weed management practice
Senthilkumar D, Murali Arthanari P, Chinnusamy C, Bharathi C and Yalabela Lavanya
Pages: 120-123 | 4259 Views 2626 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Response of black gram (<em>Vigna mungo</em> L.) to graded doses of Sulphur under rainfed conditions
Jitendra Singh Jaiswal, Yogita Kashyap and Vivek Bharve
Pages: 124-127 | 1790 Views 574 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Selection of efficient <em>Azospirillum </em>isolates from rhizosphere and root samples of paddy using acetylene reduction assay (ARA)
Dr. S Bharathiraja
Pages: 128-130 | 1673 Views 419 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Studies on influence of different seed treatments on dormancy breaking in aonla (<em>Phyllanthus emboli</em>c L)
TR Barathkumar
Pages: 131-133 | 2232 Views 943 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Social and economic empowerment of farm men and women in strawberry based entrepreneurship for sustainable income
Dr. Sangita Mehta, Sri Praveen Kumar, Er. Ravi Ranjan, Sri Dinesh Kumar and Dr. Nityanand
Pages: 134-136 | 1795 Views 506 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Nutrient status of Dhanbad district soils
Dr. Adarsh Kumar Srivastava, Mahesh Chandra Jerai and Dr. JK Lal
Pages: 137-140 | 1972 Views 788 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Investigating the influence of climate change on crop and livestock: A case study of Bidar and Raichur districts of Karnataka
Banashree B, Maraddi GN and Shanwad UK
Pages: 141-147 | 1661 Views 383 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Changes in amino nitrogen, protein and starch content of rice var. ADT 36 as influenced by application of integrated approaches and <em>Bipolaris oryzae</em> inoculation
Jaiganesh V, Kannan C, Sutha Raja Kumar R, Darwin Christdhas Henry L and Thamaraiselvi M
Pages: 148-151 | 1856 Views 296 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Climate resilient agronomic innovations for rainfed farming in sub tropics
K Shekar, Dr. P Laxminarayana, P Prashanth and Vijay Didal
Pages: 152-154 | 1664 Views 395 Downloads | Country: India
India |