Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 1, Issue 6 (2013)
Genetic Analysis of Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight Resistance (Rhizoctonia Solani) In Maize
Tajwar Izhar* and M. Chakraborty
Line × tester analysis involving 12 inbred lines and 5 inbred testers were carried to study the genetics of resistance to banded leaf and sheath blight in maize incited by Rhizoctonia solani in Kharif2010at B.A.U. research farm. Out of seventeen inbreds including five testers, three lines were resistant, twelve lines were moderately resistant and two lines were moderately susceptible. Both additive and dominance components were important in the inheritance of this disease with the predominant role of additive gene action. The inbreds, BAUIM-3, BQPM-2 and BQPM-4 were good general combiners for disease resistance as well as yield. Among the testers, BAUIM-2 was found to be the best general combiner for disease resistance as well as yield. The estimate of specific combining ability effect revealed that the cross combinations, BAU1M-3× CM-150, BAU1M-1×BAU1M-2, BAU1M-4×HKI 193-1, BAU1M-4×HKI163, V341× CM150, BQPM-2× BAU1M-2 and CML161× HKI 193-1 were identified as best cross combinations in respect of disease resistance as well as yield.
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Tajwar Izhar* and M. Chakraborty. Genetic Analysis of Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight Resistance (Rhizoctonia Solani) In Maize. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2013;1(6):01-05.