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The manuscript should be prepared in English using "MS Word" with "Times New Roman" font, size 12pt. All research articles must include the following sections: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment (if any), and References.
Title: The title should be followed by the authors' names, their institutional affiliations, and suitable superscripts. The title page should contain the title in bold, title case; authors' names in regular font, upper case (font size 12); and institutional addresses in regular font, lower case. An asterisk (*) must be placed after the corresponding author's name as a superscript. The corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of and approve the manuscript's contents. It is recommended to provide the email address and telephone numbers of all authors.
Abstract: This section should summarize the problems, experimental approach, major findings, and conclusions in one paragraph, appearing on the second page. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and references in the abstract. It should not exceed 150 words.
Keywords: The authors must provide 4-6 keywords that represent the most important subjects covered by the paper. These should appear at the end of the abstract.
Introduction: This section should provide a brief introduction stating the investigation's purpose and relate it to previous research. Only essential information should be presented.
Materials and Methods: This section must include specific details about the materials studied, instruments used, the source of specialized chemicals, and experimental procedures that allow other researchers to replicate the results. Permission must be obtained for any borrowed, adapted, or modified tables, with a credit line in the footnote.
Results and Discussion: Results should be concisely presented. The Results and Discussion sections may be separate or combined, depending on the author's preference. Tables and figures should be designed to enhance understanding of the experimental data. The interpreted results should be explained clearly in the discussion and should relate to existing knowledge in the field. Tables, graphs, and figures (illustrations) should be placed in the main text at the appropriate locations, with numbers and titles. Labels for tables, graphs, and figures must be in text form and should not be part of the image.
Acknowledgment (if any): This section, placed before the references, may acknowledge contributions from individuals or organizations that do not qualify for authorship, as well as funding, donated resources, or significant research contributions.
References: References should be numbered in order of appearance in the manuscript and cited in the text with superscript numbers. Follow the reference format below:
For Journal Articles: Author(s) of the article (surname initials). Title of the article. Journal title abbreviated Year of publication; volume number (issue number): page numbers.
Standard journal article (If more than six authors, list the first six followed by et al.):
Panda BB, Gaur K, Kori ML, Tyagi LK, Nema RK, Sharma CS et al. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of Jatropha gossypifolia in experimental animal models. Journal of Pharmacology 2010; 3(9):1-5.
For Books and Monographs: Author(s). Title of Book. Edn, Vol., Publisher, City, Year, page numbers.
Nadkarni KM. Indian Materia Medica. 3rd Edn, Vol. I, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 2000, 242-246.
For Patent References: Aviv H, Friedman K, Vered V. Submicron emulsions as ocular drug delivery vehicles. U.S. Patent US 5496811; 1996.
For Website References: Quick dissolving tablets. 27 May 2010.
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