Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 1, Issue 6 (2013)
Herbal Plants Used For the Treatment of Malaria- A Literature Review
Dr. Satish Bahekar*, Dr. Ranjana Kale
Malaria is one of the most common major health problems all over the world. Pharmacotherapy is the most common treatment strategy for the disease. But, the main obstacle behind this is emergence of resistance for many of these drugs. Hence, to overcome this problem, the major option available since ancient times is medicinal plants all over the world. Mankind is blessed with wide range of herbal plants for various ailments with lot of those useful for malaria treatment also. In this review, we have highlighted many of those plants all over the world which are being used since ancient times for the treatment of malaria.
Pages: 141-146 | 2844 Views 494 Downloads
Dr. Satish Bahekar*, Dr. Ranjana Kale . Herbal Plants Used For the Treatment of Malaria- A Literature Review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2013;1(6):141-146.