S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Pharmacognostical Study of the Whole Plant of Sida rhombifolia
Virendra Sharma, SC Mehta and Pooja Sinoriya
Pages: 01-04 | 3562 Views 860 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Pharmacognostic & Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations of Neptunia Prostrata L.
Prashanta Kr. Deb1, Sanjoy Das2, Kaushik Nath Bhaumik3, Rajat Ghosh1, Tarun Kanti Ghosh3, Tejendra Bhakta3
Pages: 05-11 | 3364 Views 512 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Pharmacognostic Standards for Mimusops elengi Linn - A Review
Rakesh S Shivatare1, Ramesh S. Deoda1, Prasad V Kadam1, Hanumant U Bhusnar1, Nupura S. Narappanawar1, Manohar J Patil
Pages: 12-18 | 3641 Views 1021 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
To study pharmacognostic, Physicochemical and Phytochemical study of stem bark of Bauhinia purpurea Linn
Mr. S. S. Meshram*, Dr. P. R. Itankar and Dr. A. T. Patil
Pages: 19-22 | 3770 Views 765 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Bioactive properties of phenolics present in Oroxylum indicum – A review
A. V. Raghu1, Satheesh George2, Renju Krishna V3 and Sindhu K. K3
Pages: 23-27 | 3255 Views 467 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Preliminary Phytochemical Screening and GC- MS Profiling of Ethanolic Flower Extract of Calotropis gigantea Linn. (Apocyanaceae)
R Dhivya 1 and K Manimegalai 1
Pages: 28-32 | 4569 Views 1299 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Antioxidant Activity and Trace Elements Profile of Extracts of Cymbopogon jwarancusa (Jones.) leaves
Chandan Prasad*, Digvijay Singh, Omkar Shukla and Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Sarma
Pages: 33-37 | 2986 Views 402 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the stem bark extract and fractions of Ficus exasperata Vahl. (Moraceae)
Amponsah IK*, Fleischer TC, Annan K, Dickson RA, Sarpong FM
Pages: 38-44 | 3447 Views 842 Downloads | Country: Ghana
Ghana |
9 |
Preliminary Phytochemical Screening and HPTLC Fingerprinting of Bark Extracts of Symplocos racemosa
Rashmi Tambe, Maushumi Kulkarni, Dr. Kiran Bhise
Pages: 45-49 | 3485 Views 642 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Preliminary Phytochemical screening and HPTLC Studies of Extracts of Dried Rhizomes of Aspidium cicutarium
Maushumi Kulkarni*, Rashmi Tambe, Dr Kiran Bhise
Pages: 50-54 | 3052 Views 529 Downloads | Country: India
India |