Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 2, Issue 4 (2013)
Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Anthraquinone Derivatives in the Root Extract of Rheum australe of Nepal (syn.Rheum emodi) by HPLC
Mr. Hemanth Kumar 1*, M. Spandana
High performance liquid chromatography was applied for the separation and identification of four anthraquinone derivatives, aloe emodin, emodin, chrysophanol and physcion from the root extracts of Rheum australe (syn. Rheum emodi WALL, Polygonaceae) collected from Gyan herbal products Nepal. The separation was carried out using, C18 column (4.6 mm i.d. x 250 mm, 5 μm) under the following conditions: Acetonitrile and water: acetic acid (75:20:5, pH 3.5) as a mobile phase with isocratic elution at flow rate 1 ml/min. The detection wavelength was set at 254 nm. Rheum australe root extract of Nepal has shown higher percentage concentrations of emodin and physcion than aloe emodin, chrysophanol and rutins as 15 %, 4.2 %, 0.46 %, 1.6 % and 0. 9% > 0.05 S.D. This method can be used for both qualitative and quantitative determinations of total anthraquinone contents in the standardization of Rhubarb extracts.
Pages: 40-42 | 3220 Views 493 Downloads
Mr. Hemanth Kumar 1*, M. Spandana. Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Anthraquinone Derivatives in the Root Extract of Rheum australe of Nepal (syn.Rheum emodi) by HPLC. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2013;2(4):40-42.