Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 2, Issue 4 (2013)
Evaluation of Ferula asafoetida for its anticancerous activity in different countries
Utsav Nigam1*, Siddharth Sachan2
Plants are always used as a medicine for its medicinal properties. In ancient time plant used to cure many diseases. Ferula is a species which is used as a spice in many cuisines in many countries. Ferula have the compounds which are actively participate in the prevention of cancer. We choose Ferula asafoitida as a species for its anticancerous activity. Ferula asafoetida is also known as heeng in India and European countries it is known as the devils dung because its smell is very hard. The data is collected from the various sources like word health organization website (WHO). Data analysis according to the consumption rate of Ferula asafoetida as spices was performed in different Asian countries and the results show the rate of cancer across those places is very low.
Pages: 74-76 | 2888 Views 473 Downloads
Utsav Nigam1*, Siddharth Sachan2. Evaluation of Ferula asafoetida for its anticancerous activity in different countries. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2013;2(4):74-76.