Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 2, Issue 5 (2014)
Phytochemistry, pharmacological and traditional uses of Datura stramonium L. review
Aqib Sayyed, Mohib shah
Datura stramonium or jimson weed is a wild shrub belongs to family Solanaceae. It has both toxics and medicinal properties. Traditionally it is used in skin disorder, ear pain, cough, fever and asthma. Juice of fruit is used for body pain. Leaves extract are externally used for injuries, wounds bleeding and pains. Juice of fruit is applied to scalp for falling hair and as antidandruff. Datura stramonium contains biologically active substances like alkaloids, atropine, scopolamine, tannin, carbohydrate and proteins. It is used in many drugs due to its analgesic and antiasthmatic activities.
Pages: 123-125 | 5032 Views 1961 Downloads
Aqib Sayyed, Mohib shah. Phytochemistry, pharmacological and traditional uses of Datura stramonium L. review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2014;2(5):123-125.