Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 2, Issue 5 (2014)
Anticancer activity of nano encapsulated formulation from the extracts of Picrorhiza kurroa against human cancer cell lines
M. Hemanth kumar, C. Rameshi
The following study is designed to determine the anticancer and cytotoxic potential of Nano encapsulated extract formulation from rhizome of Picrorhiza kurroa enriched with Apocynin, caffeic esters and cucurbitacins aglycone compounds, to produce any cytotoxic effect on mammalian cell lines. The test conducted using MTT method using human hepatocarcinoma cells (HepG2) and Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell lines as part of the in vitro preclinical characterization of compound. More than 100% increment in cell killing at a concentration of 100µg/ml recorded in both the cell lines, 52.5% cytotoxicity in HePG-2 cell line was recorded at 0.1µg/ml concentration, whereas 50.4% cytotoxicity assessed in MDCK cell line at 1µg/ml of Formulation concentration. Exhibited LC50 value of Formulation in HePG-2 and MDCK cell lines were recorded 1.2 µg/ml and 4.14µg/ml respectively. Cytotoxic effect against HePG-2 cancer cell line is considered as a predictive anticancer activity indicator also, where Doxorubicin is a standard anti-cancer agent which is a highly cytotoxic drug. MDCK cytotoxicity results support that formulation is less cytotoxic in normal cell lines, as MDCK is a Non-Cancerous cell line.
Pages: 182-185 | 2757 Views 440 Downloads
M. Hemanth kumar, C. Rameshi. Anticancer activity of nano encapsulated formulation from the extracts of Picrorhiza kurroa against human cancer cell lines. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2014;2(5):182-185.