Plumbagin is the most common and broad spectrum phytochemical of P. zeylanica. The leaves and root bark contains plumbagin. The root yield new pigments, viz, 3-chloroplumbagin, 3, 3- biplumbagin, binaphthoquinone identify as 3', 6'-biplumbagin, and four other pigments identify as isozeylanone, zeylanone, elliptinone, and droserone. The isolation of plumbagin, droserone, isoshinanolone and a new napthalenone i.e., 1, 2 (3)-tetrahydro-3, 3’- plumbagin is reported from the phenolic fraction of the light petrol extract of the roots. Two plumbagic acid glucosides; 3’o-beta-glucopyranosyl plumbagic acid and 3’-o-beta- glucopyranosyl plumbagic acid methyl ester along with five naphthaquinones. All parts of the plant are used, but the roots have tremendous pharmacological properties. The pulped roots or aerial parts are reported abortifacient, while powdered bark, root or leaves are used to treat gonorrhoea, syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatic pain, swellings, wound healing dyspepsia, piles, diarrhoea, skin diseases, leprosy and also reported to possess antibacterial, antifungal, and cantharides.