Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 3, Issue 2 (2014)
Preliminary screening of nutraceutical potential of Annona squamosa, an underutilized exotic fruit of India and its use as a valuable source in functional foods.
Aastha Bhardwaj, Gouri Satpathy, Rajinder Kumar Gupta
The underutilized, exotic fruits of Shareefa, Annona squamosa (Annonaceae family) were investigated for their nutritional, phytochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential. A thorough nutritional characterization of the edible fruit pulp demonstrated it to be a good source of phenolics compounds, natural antioxidants and minerals. It is a moderate source of copper, manganese followed by the other nutrients. It showed 1.25 g and 0.97 g 100 g -1 DM alkaloids in pulp and seed sample respectively followed by saponins value. All assays were carried out in methanolic extracts of the fruit (fresh and dried pulp and seeds). Total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol contents in pulp were obtained as 546.25 µg GAE (fresh) and 536.87 µg GAE (dried), 88 µg CE (fresh) and 205 µg CE (dried) and 156.19 µg (fresh) and 349.5 µg 100 mg -1 respectively. The methanolic extract of Custard apple pulp obtained a good antioxidant potential of ABTS (IC50 = 5 mg ml -1 for pulp extract) and FRAP (45.58 µg BHT 100 mg -1 in dried pulp extract and 62.88 µg BHT 100 mg -1 in seed extract respectively). GC/MS screening of the pulp extracts revealed the presence of fatty acids, alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, ketones and aldehydes, some of them having therapeutic use as well as components in food preparations such as 2-octanol which is used in flavorings and perfumes, D-mannitol is used as a sweetener for diabetic patients, Heptanoic acid is used in fragrances and as artificial flavors while in seeds, the presence of caryophyllene (sesquiterpene: a component of essential oils), diterpenes, phytols which are precursors of many forms of vitamin E, and sterols were revealed. Total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol contents in seeds were obtained as 250.625 µg GAE, 339 µg CE and 605.71 µg 100 mg -1 extract respectively.
Pages: 172-180 | 3376 Views 849 Downloads
Aastha Bhardwaj, Gouri Satpathy, Rajinder Kumar Gupta. Preliminary screening of nutraceutical potential of Annona squamosa, an underutilized exotic fruit of India and its use as a valuable source in functional foods.. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2014;3(2):172-180.