Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2015)
Management of acute low back pain with Matra basti, Kati basti and internal medicine: A case report
Borakhade V.R., Khot V.S.
Low back pain is common in middle age. Management of it is depends upon the condition, acute or chronic & the cause. On which the orthopedic decide, is it an emergency or conservative line of treatment is sufficient. In ayurveda trikagraha, katigraha comes under vatavyadhi. Management for this is with matra basti, kati basti is mentioned in ayurvedic text. In this case patient come with MRI report with complaining of Katishoola (pain in lumbar region), Kati to Vama Prapadashola (radiating pain from lumbar region to left lower limb), tingling sensation in both lower limb, Sakashta Chankramana (unable to walk) and Sakashta Utkatasana (unable to seat). Patient was suffering from same complaint since one year. Orthopaedic surgeon advice for surgical treatment. She doesn’t want to go for surgical treatment. So patient was treated with ayurvedic approach by Katibasti, Matrabasti and internal ayurvedic medicine. This treatment shows significant relief in pain and improved capacity to do daily work.
Pages: 18-20 | 3853 Views 1139 Downloads
Borakhade V.R., Khot V.S.. Management of acute low back pain with Matra basti, Kati basti and internal medicine: A case report. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2015;4(1):18-20.