Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 4, Issue 3 (2015)
Pharmacognostical and phytochemical analysis of a classical Hridya Yoga of Bhavamishra
Vidhya Unnikrishnan, K Nishteswar, BR Patel, Preeti Pandya
The quality assessment of herbal formulation is of vital importance in order to justify their acceptability in the modern circumstances. Standardization and quality control strategies are more required to provide effective and safe drugs. A classical formulation of Bhavaprakasha hridroga adhikara was evaluated by Pharmacognostical, Preliminary Physicochemical and Phytochemical studies. The powder microscopical study showed the presence of simple and compound starch grains, acicular and prismatic crystal, pitted vessels and sclereids, annular and spiral vessels, brown coloured content, peglike structure and cells with oil globules. Preliminary physicochemical parameters showed that water soluble extractive value is more than alcohol soluble extractive value. Qualitative analysis of methanolic and water extract showed the presence of tannin and phenolic compounds, alkaloid, steroid, flavanoid, saponins and carbohydrate.
Pages: 98-100 | 2653 Views 455 Downloads
Vidhya Unnikrishnan, K Nishteswar, BR Patel, Preeti Pandya. Pharmacognostical and phytochemical analysis of a classical Hridya Yoga of Bhavamishra. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2015;4(3):98-100.