Aerva lanata (Linn.) Juss.
ex Schult.
belonging to the family Amaranthaceae is a prostrate or succulent, perennial
undershrub that grows on mountain slopes at a height of 900
metres from sea level. It is ordinarily called as Gorakhabooti in Hindi or Mountain
knotgrass in English and is an asset bestowed by nature due to its numerous remedial qualities. It belongs to the Pashanbheda group of plants used to cure urinary stones. It possesses a wide variety of healing applications in traditional and folklore medicine in various geographical locations. It comprises of an extensive range of phytochemicals such as
canthin-6-one and β-carboline alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, steroids, terpenoids and numerous other classes of
phytoconstituents that contribute to its wide coverage of pharmacological activities. It bears
antiurolithiatic, diuretic,
hepatoprotective, anticancer, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and numerous other pharmacological activities thus making it a treasure of nature. The present review is an
endeavour to provide a deep insight into the description,
ethnomedicinal applications,
pharmacognostic features,
phytoconstituents, pharmacological and tissue culture studies explored till date.