Dr. Kavita Arora
The present study was designed to evaluate the toxic effects of monocrotophos (an organophosphate) on liver of rat. For the experimental work, four groups of Wistar rats were taken and 1/5th of LD50 dose (14 mg/kg body weight) of monocrotophos was administered by intragastric intubation to groups TI, TII and R for 15 days, 30 days, and 30 days with recovery of 30 days respectively. Corresponding controls for all the three groups were fed on normal diet. The changes in ultrastructural of liver were studied with the help of electron microscope, whereas hepatic succinate dehydrogenase and serum level of glucose and bilirubin were studied biochemically. In control group rats, the liver tissue revealed normal histoarchitecture showing well defined nucleus with nucleolus, mitochondria with intact cristae, parallel pleats of rough endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes studded on them, glycogen rosettes and smooth component of the endoplasmic reticulum. In groups TI and TII, marked alterations in histoarchitecture as compared to control were observed. Most prominent effect was the loss of nuclear membrane resulting in the exculsion of nuclear material in the cytoplasm. Proliferation of rough endoplasmic reticulum with a concomitant decrease in the smooth component was a discernible effect. Glycogen deposits also decreased whereas increase in the serum level of glucose was observed. Marked mitochondrial swelling with a moderate loss of cristae was one of the most important features of the necrotic hepatic cells which are also correlated with the observed decrease in the activity of hepatic succinate dehydrogenases. Enormous infiltration of the cytoplasm with certain electron transparent vacuoles of unknown origin was also observed. The serum activity of acetylcholinesterase was found to be significantly inhibited whereas serum level of bilirubin was found to be increased. Group R showed a lot of recovery at ultrastructure as well as at biochemical levels as compared to TI and TII groups
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