Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 5, Issue 3 (2016)
Botanical studies of the leaf, stem and root of Carissa macrocarpa, (Apocynaceae), cultivated in Egypt
Khaled M Allam, Adel M Abd El-Kader, Mahmoud AH Mostafa and Mostafa A Fouad
The present study examines various standardized parameters as morphological and histological characters which could be helpful in authentication of the leaf, stem and root of
Carissa macrocarpa. Concerning the microscopical features of
Carissa macrocarpa, the plant is characterized microscopically by presence of large calcium oxalate clusters, forked apex fibers as well as pericyclic fibers with balloon like structure.
Pages: 106-113 | 3448 Views 1080 Downloads
Khaled M Allam, Adel M Abd El-Kader, Mahmoud AH Mostafa and Mostafa A Fouad. Botanical studies of the leaf, stem and root of Carissa macrocarpa, (Apocynaceae), cultivated in Egypt. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2016;5(3):106-113.