Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 5, Issue 5 (2016)
Free radical scavenging activity of Soymida febrifuga leaves by DPPH, nitric oxide and reducing power methods
Shubhangi Bhide, Kirti Sahu and SS Khadabadi
Soymida febrifuga plant belonging to family meliaceae. The bark of this plant has been proven to have many pharmacological activities. In this experiment the antioxidant activity of the plant leaves were studied using different techniques like DPPH radical scavenging, Nitric oxide scavenging and reducing power. The methanol, water and total aqueous extracts were used for the study. In DPPH method, Methanolic extract shows highest antioxidant activity. The IC
50 Value of methanol extract is found 20.56 as compared with standard ascorbic acid IC
50 Value 16.74. Lower IC
50 Value indicates greater antioxidant activity. In nitric oxide scavenging method, Methanolic extract shows highest antioxidant activity. % inhibition on NO is found 78.98 for methanol extract at conc. 100 ug/ml as compared with standard ascorbic acid % inhibition on NO is found 90.52 for methanol extract at conc. 100 ug/ml. Higher % inhibition Value indicates greater antioxidant activity. In case of reducing power method, Methanolic extract shows highest antioxidant activity. Maximum absorbance 0.911 is found for methanol extract at conc. 1000 ug/ml as compared with standard ascorbic acid maximum absorbance is found 0.973 for methanol extract at conc. 1000 ug/ml. Higher absorbance value indicates greater antioxidant activity.
Pages: 316-320 | 2603 Views 588 Downloads
Shubhangi Bhide, Kirti Sahu and SS Khadabadi. Free radical scavenging activity of Soymida febrifuga leaves by DPPH, nitric oxide and reducing power methods. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2016;5(5):316-320.