Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 5, Issue 6 (2016)
In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial efficacy of Triphala constituents: Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belerica and Terminalia chebula
Sudhanshu Mishra, J Anuradha, Sandeep Tripathi and Sandeep Kumar
In Indian medicinal preparation, triphala (tri ‘
three’; phala ‘
fruits’) comprises equiproportional herbal fruits:
Emblica officinalis (Syn.
Phyllanthus emblica),
Terminalia belerica and
Terminalia chebula. The ‘
Tridoshic rasayana’, three constituent elements is characterized with balancing and rejuvenation effects govern the human life. Triphala constituents are rich in anti-oxidants and reported to poses anti-microbial properties. The present study deals with the qualitative and quantitative analysis of triphala components using different extraction techniques. Dry fruit extracts of
E. officinalis,
T. belerica and
T. chebula were screened for the secondary metabolites presence and its antioxidant, antimicrobial activities were determined as well. The sign of biochemical properties opens up an arena to bring its effective use as a single or in combination, against different pathological conditions. Thus results obtained may be helpful rationale to formulate these fruit extract in modern system of health care.
Pages: 273-277 | 2634 Views 487 Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra, J Anuradha, Sandeep Tripathi and Sandeep Kumar. In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial efficacy of Triphala constituents: Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belerica and Terminalia chebula. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2016;5(6):273-277.