Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 2 (2017)
Development of integrated disease management module for early blight of tomato in Jammu
Sunita Rani, Ranbir Singh and Sachin Gupta
Evaluation of chemical fungicides and plant extracts against
Alternaria solani causing early blight of tomato revealed that Tebuconazole (25 EC) was the most effective fungicide followed by Difenconazole (25 EC). Amongst plant extracts, maximum mycelial inhibition was exhibited by
Datura stramonium (20%) followed by
Lantana camara (20%) and
Azadirachta indica (20%). Amongst the bio agents tested using dual culture technique, Trichoderma harzianum showed maximum growth inhibition of the pathogen and appeared to be the most effective. To develop Integrated Disease Management module for early blight of tomato fungicides, plant extracts and bio agents were integrated in different treatments and applied in field with varying spray schedules consecutively for two seasons. It was observed that treatment comprising of Mancozeb (0.25%), Datura (50%) and
T. harzianum s.t (1x107 spores/ml) reduced disease intensity up to 84.00% followed by treatment comprising of Mancozeb (0.25%) and
T. harzianum s.t (1x107spores/ml) which reduced disease intensity to 82.33%.
Pages: 268-273 | 3331 Views 1328 Downloads
Sunita Rani, Ranbir Singh and Sachin Gupta. Development of integrated disease management module for early blight of tomato in Jammu. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(2):268-273.