Studies on proximate and phytochemical analyses of leaf extract of
Senna alata (L)
Roxb were carried out to evaluate its nutritional potentials and possible medicinal properties. Result obtained from proximate analysis showed the composition of moisture, total ash, crude protein, crude lipid, crude fibre and carbohydrate as: 15.4±0.17%, 6.00±0.13%, 17.50±0.57%, 9.80±0.21%, 16.91±0.51%, 2.00±0.61%, respectively. Phytochemical studies showed the presence of saponins, phenolic acids, flavonoids mainly kaemferol (148.568 ± 4.133) and quercetin (232.315 ± 1.821), tannins present as tannic acid (974.870 ± 2.315), alkaloids including coniine (30.508 ± 3.255) and coniceine (33.410 ± 3.480), and negligible amounts of quinones and acrylamides. The result from this study showed that while the leaf extract of
S. alata (L)
Roxb may be used for therapeutic purposes within its safety limit, usage as a source of food for man or animals may be lethal, due to the presence of poisonous phytochemicals like connine and coniceine.