An experiment was conducted during
kharif seasons of 2013 and 2014 at Instructional Farm of Rajasthan college of Agriculture, Udaipur ( Rajasthan) to evaluate the effect of weed management and sulphur nutrition on weed density, their biomass, productivity of Clusterbean [
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub] and profitability in terms of net returns and BC ratio. Hand weeding twice at 20 and 40 DAS recorded minimum weed count and weed dry matter at 50 DAS. m The minimum weed dry matter of narrow-leaved (129 kg ha
-1), broad-leaved (106 kg ha
-1) and total weed dry weight (235 kg ha
-1) was recorded under two hand weeding treatment which was closely followed by sequential application of pre emergence application of pendimethalin 0.75 kg ha
-1followed by post emergence application of imazethapyr 0.075 kg ha
-1. The highest yield attributing characters
viz., cluster plant
-1, pods cluster
-1, seeds pods
-1, 1000 seed weight and seed yield plant
-1 were recorded under two hand weeding followed by sequential application of pendimethalin with imazethapyr. The highest seed (1218 kg ha
-1) and haulm (2440 kg ha
-1) was registered in hand weeded twice treatment while net returns of

36952 and BC ratio of 2.60 was recorded pendimethalin fb imazethapyr.