Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2017)
Assessment of combining ability and gene action for grain yield and its component traits in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]
Manoj Kumar, PC Gupta, Pawan Kumar and Heeralal Barupal
A line x tester analysis using 10 male sterile lines (female parents) and six testers (male parents) was carried out to study the combining ability and gene action for grain yield and 10 quantitative traits in pearl millet. Both GCA and SCA variances were highly significant for all characters. The ratio of GCA and SCA variance indicated the predominance of non-additive gene action for the characters studied except grain yield per plant. The estimates of general combining ability (GCA) effects indicated that the parents RMS 7A, ICMA 843-22, ICMA 04999, ICMA 93333 and JMSA 20042 (females) and BIB-40, BIB-75 and BIB-186 (males) emerged as good general combiners for grain yield and its components. The cross combinations such as RMS 21A X BIB-186, ICMA92777 X BIB- 65, ICMA 04999 X BIB- 76 and ICMA 06999 X BIB- 40, RMS 7A X BIB- 75, ICMA 92777 X BIB- 40, ICMA 92777 X BIB-66, ICMA 97111 X BIB- 186, ICMA 04999 X BIB- 65, JMSA 20042 X BIB- 40 and JMSA 20042 X BIB-66, RMS 7A X BIB-76, ICMA 06999 X BIB-76,RMS 6A X BIB-186 showed significant and positive specific combining ability (SCA) effects for grain yield and other yield attributing characters
Pages: 431-434 | 2032 Views 504 Downloads
Manoj Kumar, PC Gupta, Pawan Kumar and Heeralal Barupal. Assessment of combining ability and gene action for grain yield and its component traits in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(3):431-434.