Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2017)
Influence of Halopriming and organic priming on germination and seedling vigour in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds
Ankit Kumar, Prashant Kumar Rai, Bineeta M Bara and Sachchida Nand Mishra
The experiment was conducted in post Graduate laboratory, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding SHUATS Allahabad UP during 2015-17, in order to standardize the best method of priming specific to wheat seeds.Seed Priming viz.,hydropriming, halopriming, and organic priming were evaluated by screening a range of durations and concentrations viz., T0-Unprimed Control, T1-Distilled water hydration, T2 –KCI (2.5%), T3– CaSO4 (1%), T4 –KH2PO4(0.5%), T5- cow urine (5%) and T6- Curi leaf extract (5%) for 12hrs. It was found that all the priming methods showed significance difference with the control and the highest germination percentage, speed of germination, energy of emergence, shoot length, root length, seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight and seed vigour index-1 and 2 were observed for KCL priming for 12hrs. Seed priming, its simplicity and no requirement for expensive equipment and chemical could be used as a simple method for overcoming related to a poor germination and seedling establishment and helps in sustaining agriculture.
Pages: 552-555 | 1985 Views 436 Downloads
Ankit Kumar, Prashant Kumar Rai, Bineeta M Bara and Sachchida Nand Mishra. Influence of Halopriming and organic priming on germination and seedling vigour in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(3):552-555.