Andrographis paniculata has wide range of medicinal and pharmacological application. It is used in different systems of medicine and exhibit anti-malarial, antidiabetic
, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and anticancer etc., properties. Present study was conducted to investigate the effect of two treatments as
1-with dry grass mulch and, 2) M
2-without mulch under different line spacing levels viz.1) S
1-10cm, 2) S
2-15cm and 3) S
3-20cm on germination % and seedling vigour of
Andrographis paniculata. The results revealed that significant higher germination %, survival percentage, number of leaves per seedling, root & shoot length, fresh root & shoot weight/seedling, dry root and shoot weight/ seedling was observed at 10cm line spacing using mulch as compared to control. Thus application of mulch can be a best option for obtaining uniform and healthy seedling vigour in
Andrographis paniculata.
Madan Lal Panwar, Aruna Mehta, Vinod Kumar and Meenu Sood. Effect of mulch and different spacings on seedling vigour of Andrographis paniculata under Himalayan mid hill regions. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(3):597-600.