Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2017)
Evaluation of volatile phytochemical constituents in cumin (Cuminum cyminum) genotypes by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy
IU Khan, ML Mehriya, BS Rathore, SR Kumhar and B Singh
In cumin (
Cuminum cyminum L.) the aroma is due to the presence of aromatic volatile compounds. The flavor of cumin is judged by its volatile oil content. Cumin seeds of four varieties RZ-19, RZ-223, RZ-341 and RZ-345 collected from western Rajasthan were used for screening of essential oil chemical constituents. Essential oil was isolated by clevenger apparatus. The essential oil content in RZ-19, RZ-223, RZ-341 and RZ-345 was found 1.66%, 2.33%, 3.66% and 3% respectively. Cuminaldehyde was identified as major constituents in cumin essential oil. The GC-MS scan result reveals that RZ-223 variety contains highest Cuminaldehyde (40.88%) followed by RZ-345 (40.69%), Rz-19 (32.59%) and RZ-341 (31.65%). Other phyto-chemical constituents were terpenic compounds, alcohol and aldehydes.
Pages: 768-773 | 5060 Views 2771 Downloads
IU Khan, ML Mehriya, BS Rathore, SR Kumhar and B Singh. Evaluation of volatile phytochemical constituents in cumin (Cuminum cyminum) genotypes by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(3):768-773.