Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2017)
Combining ability analysis for yield and its quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) over environment
Archana Devi, Preeti Kumari, Ranjan Dwivedi, Saket Dwivedi, KK Mishra, OP Verma, PK Singh and DK Dwivedi
Line × tester experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of 54 F
1 hybrids along with 18 parents in rice. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences in treatment for 1000 grain weight, kernel length, kernel breadth, L:B ratio and grain yield per plant under both normal and saline conditions except kernel breadth which found significant for normal condition. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among crosses and lines × testers for 1000 grain weight, kernel length, kernel breadth, L:B ratio and grain yield per plant under both normal and saline conditions. Parents
vs. crosses were for kernel length and grain yield per plant for normal condition while in case of saline condition kernel breadth was found highly significant. Lines were highly significant and significant for 1000 grain weight and grain yield per plant in normal and saline condition, respectably. Testers were non-significant for all the traits in both conditions except kernel length in normal condition which was found significant. The estimates of variance of specific combining ability effects, ratio of variance of general combining ability to specific combining ability and degree of dominance indicated preponderance of non-additive gene effects for each trait. On over all bases, role of lines in the expression of most of the quality traits were more than testers and line × tester interaction under both conditions.
Pages: 35-42 | 2936 Views 492 Downloads
Archana Devi, Preeti Kumari, Ranjan Dwivedi, Saket Dwivedi, KK Mishra, OP Verma, PK Singh and DK Dwivedi. Combining ability analysis for yield and its quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) over environment. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(4):35-42.