An experiment was conducted in
Rabi season during 2014-2015 study the relative efficacy of different among all the treatments lowest number of gram pod borer was recorded in Spinosad (2.85). The next followed treatment was Chlorpyriphos (3.40), which was also statistically at par with Quinolphos (3.69), Cypermethrin (3.95). Remaining treatments are Fipronil (4.45) and Indoxcarb (4.63) were statistically at par Malathion (5.25) was recorded as least effective within the chemical insecticides. A maximum net return was recorded in T
5 Spinosad (17.45 q/ha), followed by T
3 Chlorpyriphos (16.24 q/ha), T
2 Quinolphos (15.35q/ha), T
1 Cypermethrin (13.92 q/ha), T
4 Fipronil (12.20 q/ha), T
7 Indoxcarb
(11.90 q/ha), T
6 Malathion (9.26 q/ha) as compared to control T
0 plane water (7.25q/h). When cost benefit ratio was worked out, interesting result was achieved. Among the treatment studied, the best and most economical treatment was T
5 Spinosad (1:3.40), followed by T
3 Chlorpyriphos (1:3.03), T
2 Quinolphos (1:2.99), T
1 Cypermethrin (1:2.71), T
4 Fipronil (1:2.36), T
7 Indoxcarb
(1:2.30), T
6 Malathion
(1:1.81) as compared to control T
0 plane water Control (1:1.46).
Ram Singh Nitharwal, Ashwani Kumar, Sharwan Lal Jat and MP Chula. Efficacy of newer molecules against gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(4):1224-1227.