Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2017)
Estimated significance of biochemical constituents in seeds and pods a reliable criteria for judging maturity of “Gleditsia triacanthos variety inermis
AS Shah, KN Qaisar and MA Rather
Honey locust an important fast growing introduced multipurpose tree species of Kashmir. The tree can be adapted to environmental extremes such as drought, air pollutants and high light intensities. The propagation of this species not only ensures availability of fuelwood, fodder and timber supply but at the same time results in optimum use of degraded sites. Since under valley conditions, there was no documented information with respect to its biochemical maturity indices despite its immense potential for which the species is reputed throughout the temperate world. The present investigation was carried out in the faculty of forestry skuast-kashmir Shalimar, Srinagar during the year 2009 and 2010. The results were manifested upon the mean values of the year 2009 and 2010. The seeds and pods of Gleditsia triacanthos variety Inermis were collected from mid of July to first fortnight of November at an interval of 15 days and were subjected to determination of total sugar percentage, germination percentage and starch percentage. The chemical parameters with respect to total sugars and starch percentage data revealed that the total sugars in the seeds was 8.21 percent at first collection interval (15th July) which increased gradually with subsequent collection intervals to maximum value of total sugars 27.08 percent at the 6th collection interval (1st October). The corresponding values of germination percentage at the collection interval (6thcollection) when the values of total sugars 27.08 percent was found maximum recorded 65.83 percent highest germination percentage. Similarly the starch percentage level showed the same trend increased with the advancement of collection dates from 22.11 percent to 38.32 percent from 1st to 5th collection interval respectively, which were statistically found highly significant. The chemical maturity indices of pods with respect to total sugars and starch percentage varied significantly. The mean values of two years data revealed that the total sugars increased from 11.21 percent, at first collection interval on 15thjuly to 6th collection interval on 1st October with value 30.18 percent. Moreover, the starch percentage in pods of Gleditsia triacanthos variety Inermis was recorded as the starch percentage in pods on 1stcollection interval (15thjuly) was found 23.11 percent, which was at par with 2ndcollection (1stAugust) 25.32 percent, however, there was gradually increase in starch percentage with the advancement of further collection interval dates up to 5thcollection (15thSeptember) 44.15 percent. Thus the biochemical analysis of present study with respect to determination of total sugars, germination percentage and starch content in seeds and pods of Gleditsia triacanthos variety Inermis depicted the authenticated judgement of maturity as a reliable criterion to be depending on.
Pages: 1719-1724 | 1777 Views 437 Downloads
AS Shah, KN Qaisar and MA Rather. Estimated significance of biochemical constituents in seeds and pods a reliable criteria for judging maturity of “Gleditsia triacanthos variety inermis. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(4):1719-1724.