Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2017)
Genetic divergence and character association studies in indegenous ridge gourd (Luffa Acutangula (L.) Roxb.) Genotypes
Anjali Gautam, SK Maurya, Hirdesh Yadav and Pooja
Forty two genotypes of ridge gourdgrown during summer season, 2013 were evaluated for genetic divergence using principal component analysis (PCA) and Nonhierarchical cluster analysis. PCA yielded a total of sixteen principal components (PC) out of which, first ten PC accounted 94.27 % of total variation. Seed width, number of node of first female flower, days to first fruit harvesting contributed most positively while, fruit length, average fruit weight, number of primary branches contributed most negatively in first PC accounted 35.17 % of total variation. The first ten PC score were used for clustering purpose which grouped the genotypes into three cluster accommodating 5, 22, and 15 genotypes in cluster I, II, and III, respectively. The Intra-cluster distances ranged from 2.724 (cluster I) to 3.550 (cluster II). The inter-cluster distances were found maximum (5.984) between cluster I and II, and minimum (3.419) between cluster II and III suggesting scope for exploiting heterosis upon hybridization between genotypes of these groups of desired traits. Character association studies revealed that fruit yield had positive and significant correlation with average fruit weight (0.774), number of fruits per plant (0.945), vine length (0.547), number of primary branches (0.472), fruit length (0.390), seed length (0.240) whereas, fruit yield had negative and significant correlation with number of node of first female/hermaphrodite f flower (-0.458), days of first female/hermaphrodite flower anthesis (-0.314) and days of first fruit harvesting (-0.401). These results suggest the wide scope of varietal improvement in ridge gourd through hybridization and selection.
Pages: 1769-1774 | 2139 Views 649 Downloads
Anjali Gautam, SK Maurya, Hirdesh Yadav and Pooja. Genetic divergence and character association studies in indegenous ridge gourd (Luffa Acutangula (L.) Roxb.) Genotypes. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(4):1769-1774.