Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2017)
Growth and production potential of fenugreek as influenced by intercropping systems and Sulphur levels
PK Boori, AC Shivran, GK Giana, ML Jat, Gopali Yadav and Sangita Meena
The present study was carried out at Jobner, Rajasthan during rabi season of 2013-14 to evaluate effect of intercropping and Sulphur in different row ratios on fenugreek. The field experiment was laid out in three times replicated randomized complete block design with three intercropping systems (sole fenugreek, fennel + fenugreek in 1:1 and 1:2 row ratios) and four Sulphur levels (0, 20, 40 and 60 kg S/ha). The results of experiment revealed that planting of fenugreek in 1:1 row ratio recorded significantly maximum plant height of fenugreek at 40, 80 DAS and at harvest, however, in case of dry matter accumulation at all growth stages, number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod were significantly lowest as compared to 1:2 row ratio and sole crop of fenugreek. The fennel planting in 1:2 row ratios could not bring significant variation in growth parameters, yield attributes of fenugreek as compared to sole fenugreek. The planting of fenugreek in 1:1 row ratio gave significantly minimum seed (7.18 q/ha), straw (17.68 q/ha) and biological yields (24.86 q/ha) than 1:2 row ratio and sole fenugreek. The intercropping in 1:2 row ratio also recorded significantly lower seed (9.13 q/ha), straw (21.53 q/ha) and biological yields (30.65 q/ha) over sole fenugreek. The seed yield was reduced by 21.35 and 52.03% with intercropping of fenugreek in 1:1 row ratio as compared 1:2 row ratio and sole fenugreek, respectively. The intercropping of fenugreek in 1:2 row ratios also reduced seed yield significantly by 39.01% over sole fenugreek. However, when system productivity was compared in terms of LER, intercropping in 1:1 row ratio registered significantly highest land equivalent ratio (1.45) in comparison to intercropping in 1:2 row ratio as well as sole fenugreek. Application of Sulphur upto 40 kg/ha significantly increased plant height and dry matter accumulation at different growth stage, number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod, seed (11.32 q/ha), straw (26.73 q/ha) and biological yields (38.05 q/ha) of fenugreek. Application of 40 kg S/ha in fenugreek intercropping system was found suitable as it recorded 31.78 and 9.79% higher seed yield over control and application of 20 kg S/ha, respectively. Similarly, Sulphur application at 40 kg/ha obtained significantly maximum LER (1.20) over control.
Pages: 1945-1949 | 2068 Views 609 Downloads
PK Boori, AC Shivran, GK Giana, ML Jat, Gopali Yadav and Sangita Meena. Growth and production potential of fenugreek as influenced by intercropping systems and Sulphur levels. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(4):1945-1949.