The present study was undertaken to evolutes the effect of irrigation schedule and nitrogen fertilizations on growth, yield and quality of multi cut fodder oat var. kent under Southern Rajasthan. A field experiment was conducted during
rabi 2013-14 at Instructional Farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur. The experiment comprised combinations of four irrigations and three nitrogen levels. Thus, 12 treatments; all were evaluated in split-plot design with three replications keeping irrigation in main and nitrogen in sub plots. The results indicated that application of irrigations did not significantly affect plant height and dry matter accumulation at 30 DAS while, five irrigations recorded significantly higher plant height, dry matter accumulation at 90 DAS whereas number of tillers m
-1 row length at both first and second cuttings and total green and dry fodder yield. Five irrigations produced significantly higher crude protein, crude fat, mineral matter and total digestible nutrients but there was no significantly difference found in crude fibre, nitrogen free extract and total digestible nutrient content at first cutting whereas, minimum were noted with two irrigations in all the above parameters. In case of plant height, dry matter accumulation, number of tillers m
-1 row length and total green and dry fodder yield significantly produced with an application 110 kg N ha
-1 during year of experiment.
Harikesh Jat, MK Kaushik, V Nepalia and Dilip Singh. Effect of irrigation schedule and nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and quality of fodder oat (Avena sativa L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(4):2040-2042.