Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2017)
Effect of different age groups of scion on success rate of softwood grafting in sapota
P Tanuja and D Thippesha
An experiment was carried out at College of Horticulture, Mudigere, Chikmagalur district, Karnataka state to know the effect of age of scion on success of soft wood grafting in Sapota. The different age groups viz 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months scions of sapota were used for grafting with 4 treatments and 5 replications. It is very evident from the study that out of four different age groups the relatively younger scions of 3 months old have taken minimum number of days for sprout initiation (9.80 days), 50% sprouting (16.20 days) and 100% sprouting (24.80 days). Three months aged scions also recorded maximum number of sprouts at 30 (1.17), 60 (1.20) and 90 (2.10) days after grafting (DAG), maximum number of leaves and leaf area index on 60 (6.16 and 2.07) and 90 (7.10 and 2.47) days after grafting, maximum length and breadth of leaves at 60 (6.70 cm and 3.57cm) and 90 (7.20cm and 4.10cm) days after grafting, maximum height of the graft at 30 (35.66cm), 60 (36.30 cm) and 90 (37.60 cm) days after grafting, scion girth at 60 (4.70mm) days after grafting, graft index at 30 (2423.50), 60 (2373.25) and 90 (2029.25) days after grafting, per cent graft success at 30 (50%), 60 (42.50%) and 90 (37.50%) days after grafting and maximum survival percentage (87.00%). Among different aged scions, 3 months age old scion resulted in maximum net income (₹ 18, 500 per 1000 grafts) and maximum cost: benefit ratio (1.76). Compared to the older scions (9.0 to 12.0 months) grafted on khirni root stocks.
Pages: 1886-1889 | 2040 Views 781 Downloads
P Tanuja and D Thippesha. Effect of different age groups of scion on success rate of softwood grafting in sapota. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(4):1886-1889.