The present investigation was conducted with the objective to know the effect of various nutrient management modules on growth and yield of high yielding varieties of rice (Sarjoo-52 and NDR-359). The study was comprised six treatments of nutrient management modules (a) M
1 -100% RDF of N.P.K (120:60:60kg NPK ha
-1), (b) M
2-120% RDF of NPK (150:75:75 kg NPK ha
-1), (c) M
3 -150% RDF of N.P.K (180:90:90 kg NPK ha
-1), (d) M
4100% RDF of NPK (120:60:60 kg NPK ha
-1) + 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1, (e) M
5 - 120% RDF of NPK (150:75:75 kg NPK ha
-1) + 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1 and (f) M
6 -150% RDF of NPK (180:90:90 kg NPK ha
-1) + 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1. The present study revealed that the maximum value of number of tillers hill
-1, plant height (cm), dry matter accumulation (g plant
-1), days taken to panicle initiation and days taken to physiological maturity were recorded under M
6 - 150% RDF of N.P.K (180:90:90 kg NPK ha
-1) + 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1 which was significantly superior over rest of the of the nutrient management modules. The application of module M
6 -150% RDF (180:90:90 kg NPK ha
-1) + 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1 with variety Sarjoo-52 produced maximum growth attributes, grain and straw yield. The study concluded that nutrient management modules M
6 -150% RDF (180:90:90 kg NPK ha
-1) + 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1 and variety Sarjoo-52 for obtaining maximum yield and productivity of rice.
Jitendra Kumar Verma, Akhtar Ali, Harikesh and Shivam. Effect of various nutrient management modules on growth and yield traits of high yielding varieties of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):697-701.