In the present study different carrier and liquid biofertilizers are brought from different production centres. The field experiment was conducted following complete randomized design with control and 12 treatments. Treatments consisted of Control: 100% RDF, T
1: 75% RDF + 25%CBF (Seed treatment) at the time of sowing, T
2: 75% RDF + 25% CBF (Soil application) before sowing, T
3: 75% RDF +25%CBF- Liquid culture (soil application) at the time of sowing, T
4: 75% RDF + 25% LBF-Liquid culture (Soil application) before sowing, T
5: 75% RDF + 25%LBF (Seed treatment) at the time of sowing, T
6: 75% RDF+ 25%LBF (Soil application) before sowing, T
7: 75% RDF + 25%CBF (Seed treatment at the time of sowing) + soil application at 40DAS, T
8: 75% RDF+25%CBF (Soil application before sowing) + soil application at 40 DAS, T
9: 75% RDF+25% LBF (Seed treatment at the time of sowing) + soil application at 40 DAS,T
10: 75% RDF+25%LBF (Soil application before sowing) + soil application at 40 DAS,T
11: 75% RDF +25% CBF-Liquid culture(soil application at the time of sowing soil application at 40DAS)T
12: 75% RDF +25%LBF- Liquid culture (Soil application before sowing) + soil application at 40 DAS. The yield attributes viz., number of seeds per pod, test weight of seeds, seed yield were taken at harvest and nutrient uptake was estimated at harvest stage. Also available soil N, P and K were recorded at initial and at harvesting stage.