Coriandrum sativumin Tamil Nadu were surveyed for the association of soil borne fungal pathogens and it was recovered from infected plants. Cultural and microscopic characterization of
Fusarium oxysporum causing vascular wilt was observed.
Fusarium spp
. produced
white, white with pinkish and white with brown tinch like mycelial growth on artificial medium. Micro conidia are scattered freely in the mycelial mat, they are small, oval shaped, hyaline and single or bicelled. The size of micro conidia ranges from 8.70 μm to 14.05 μm in length and 3.30 μm to 5.00 μm in width. Macroconidia were sickle shaped hyaline and multicelled with two to three septate. The size of macro conidia ranges from 16.90 μm to 31.60 μm in length and 3.89 μm to 5.53 μm in width. The number of macroconidia was more as compared to macro conidia in artificial culture. Also, abundant chlamydospores were observed terminally and intercalary. Further, PCR amplification of ITS gene region in the ten isolates of
F. oxysporumwas performed using universal ITS primers.
Fusarium the genus was amplified as a fragment of 560 bp corresponding to the region of the 18S-28S rRNA intervening sequence for
Fusarium spp. Then the selected virulent isolates of
Fusarium spp. was sequenced and submitted in NCBI database with the accession numbers of KX265248 (Foc1), KX265249 (Foc2), KX265250 (Foc3), KX265251 (Foc4), KX265251 (Foc5). The soil-borne fungal pathogen of coriander was identified as
F. oxysporum based on its cultural, morphological and molecular characteristics.
S Ashwathi, C Ushamalini, S Parthasarathy and S Nakkeeran. Morphological and molecular characterization of Fusarium spp. associated with Vascular Wilt of Coriander in India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):1055-1059.