Niyati Jain, Arghya Mani, Supriya Kumari, Sourabh Kasera and Vijay Bahadur
The experiment conducted during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 with 21 treatments included combinations of organic and microbial sources of nutrients (Compost, Poultry manure, Vermicompost, FYM,
Azotobacter and PSB) replicated thrice with 18 plants per replication in Randomized Block Design. Observations were recorded for fruit yield, quality and shelf life. In different combinations organic manure and biofertilizers the treatment TÂ
15 (Vermicompost + Poultry manure+
Azotobacter + PSB) registered earliest in flowering (40.68 days) and T
17 (Vermicompost+ FYM +
Azotobacter + PSB) highest number of flowers plant
-1 (13.42). The maximum fruit weight (12.86 g), number of fruits plant
-1 (11.78) and yield (112.63 g plant
-1) were recorded with plants treated with T
15 (vermicompost+ Poultry manure +
Azotobacter +PSB) and maximum shelf life (5.69 days), TSS (7.05 °B), Ascorbic acid (53.44 mg/100 g of pulp), Acidity (0.64%), and pH (2.66) also found best in T15 (vermicompost+ Poultry manure +
Azotobacter +PSB) followed by T
18 (Poultry manure+ compost +
Azotobacter + PSB) and T
17 (FYM+ vermicompost +
Azotobator + PSB) respectively. However, the maximum cost: benefit ratio (1: 3.69) was recorded in the T
17 (Vermicompost+ FYM+
Azotobacter + PSB). The highest yield and best quality fruit were recorded in the combination of T15 (Vermicompost + Poultry manure+ PSB+
Niyati Jain, Arghya Mani, Supriya Kumari, Sourabh Kasera and Vijay Bahadur. Influence of INM on yield, quality, shelf life and economics of cultivation of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. Sweet Charlie. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):1178-1181.