Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
Incidence of pink stem borer and natural enemies in different sowing dates of maize
Sanjay Kumar, Sonali Deole, YK Yadu and D Dash
Among the different dates of sowing the stem borer damage in terms of number of pin holes was lowest (0.33 pin holes/ plant) at 14 DAS. Peak period of pink stem borer infestation (22.38) was observed at 70 DAS. The crop sown 4
th week of July (28/07/2016) has recorded the maximum Leaf Injury Rating (LIR) (3.11). The lowest number of LIR was recorded on 2
nd week of August (1.94). LIR causes due to stem borer observed lowest at 21 DAS and highest at 63 DAS in all dates of sowing. The crop sown 4
th week of July (28/07/2016) has recorded the maximum percent dead hearts (18.67 %) followed by 3
rd week of July (11.11 %). The lowest percent of dead hearts was recorded on 2
nd week of August (5.60 %). Stem borer damage was observed lowest at 28 DAS and highest at 63 DAS in all dates of sowing.
Pages: 1316-1320 | 1663 Views 392 Downloads
Sanjay Kumar, Sonali Deole, YK Yadu and D Dash. Incidence of pink stem borer and natural enemies in different sowing dates of maize. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):1316-1320.